?What Business Owners Need To Know To Reduce Employee Turnover Costs and Increase Employee Engagement

Labor is the biggest expense in most organizations. Discover how to maximize the resources you have to minimize your labor expenses.

Industry experts share about best practices on engagement.

☑️ Watch this 30-minute video to discover how to be more attractive to current employees and future employees

If you would like to discover what this approach means for your business, please schedule a 15 minute call. Go to: https://morebusinessinabox.com/blindspot.

0:00 How marketing will reduce expenses
00:50 Objectives and background on why the masterclass originated
01:53 Who are the experts
02:09 Agenda
02:58 Use what you have
03:35 People performance
09:15 Generation
10:20 Professional Development
14:57 Partner with others
15:55 Free partner example
21:31 Secure key assets
23:49 Plan what you need
24:39 Resources to drive organization
30:00 Pulling all the pieces together

Expert Speakers:
– Kate Musall, https://www.linkedin.com/in/katemusall/
– Jessica Milazzo, https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessica-milazzo-99418894/
– Janelle Kennedy, https://www.linkedin.com/in/janellekennedylv/
– Dane’ Gilliland, https://www.linkedin.com/in/dan%C3%A9-gilliland-56905255/
– Kim D. Snyder, https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimdsnyder/

Link Kim referenced in video, number of domain registration links increase

If you would like to discover what this approach means for your business, please schedule a 15 minute call. Go to: https://morebusinessinabox.com/blindspot.