Unjumble your message to find your perfect fit client part 2. Then you will so love your business again.
This is the 2nd part of a 2 part series, click here for Part 1.
What does a JUMBLED message look like? (continued)
Lead With The TOOL
Or leading with the tool when haven’t identified the PROBLEM to the audience the tool is solving.
- Widget XYZ will get you 25% more customers and …
- Widget 123 Assessment will…
- My widget ABC system will…
Lead with the DREAM
Lead With the HOW TO
Or they lead with the “how to”. Your customers want to know the benefits and how it will help them.
If you share that it will be 100 videos, the logic may overrule the heart and not go with your solution.
If you tell them that you have 18.5 tips over 36 weeks, this may seem too overwhelming.
Again, you lead with the DREAM
Your audience also wants to know a little about you.
They want to understand YOUR why. Why did you create this, why do you care, why does this matter to you?
This is not the place for you to tell your story, but 3 or 4 lines would be helpful.
Here are examples. The first two are mine, the bottom two are from clients:
- My dad was self-employed when I was growing up. This allowed him to have the freedom in his schedule so we could take a 4 to 6-week vacation most every summer and Christmas time. I want this freedom of choices for other business owners.
- One of my favorite games growing up was boggle (that is the picture above). My brother tells me I was relentless at gathering words. In the end, most were not words, but I didn’t care, I was going to capture every possibility and figure out which ones worked at the end. I am still relentless and creative and systematic today. I just to it to help business owners win so they get the freedoms they want.
- My mom taught me the power of education. When she migrated to America, she saw that education provided choices and paid for me and my 3 other siblings for college. I now support, mentor and volunteer for children to have the education in this country.
- I work with baby boomers because I don’t want them to think there life is over at age 60.
When you get SUPER specific and unjumble your message, you will attract the perfect client because you will be speakin’ their language.
This is part 2 in a 2 part series.
Click here for ” Unjumble Your Message – Part 1″