????Are you overwhelmed business owner on how to create social media?

Many business owners know that they have to do social media. They just don’t know how to make the time for it. They are often overwhelmed, and do not do it at all.

☑️ Watch this brief 1 minute video that tells you the 1 thing to do to as a business owner to avoid overwhelm when creating social media posts >>

If you would like to discover if your business is a great fit for avoiding the overwhelm of social media, please schedule a call.  Go to https://morebusinessinabox.com/discover.

???? PS:  Remember to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to our channel.  http://bit.ly/omiabYT

Video Highlights:

00:10 What’s the best way to avoid overwhelm?

00:17 How to hold yourself accountable



Founded by Kim D. Snyder in 2010 because of her passion for small business.  The firm evolved from websites, to SEO (search engine optimization), to lead generation, and now to full business growth and strategy for small businesses, professional services and high-end service-based businesses.

Are you looking to attract your perfect clients and stand out in the market, Online Marketing In A Box is ready and able to handle your business growth and strategy needs.  We are based out of Las Vegas, will travel and provide full virtual services.  Working with other business owners and leaders is our specialty!


???? PS:  Remember to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to our channel.  http://bit.ly/omiabYT












Transcription begins here:

Are you overwhelmed on how to create social media as a business owner?

Well, use a content calendar.

Hi, I’m Kim D. Snyder and I’m the owner of Online Marketing in a Box and when you create a content calendar.

how to find time to be on social media when overwhelmed business owner

It forces you to schedule it and put it in your calendar just like any other appointment – to make sure that it happens and gets done.

how does social media become easy for overwhelmed business owner

If you would like help on what that means for you and your business and if you’re a great fit for that option, please call us.

Go to https://morebusinessinabox.com/discover.