M.O.R.E. Strategic Roadmap
A year roadmap custom for you and your business.
Stay focused.
Gain clarity.
A program that is done for you.
If you can say yes to any of these questions…
- You are already successful, but not moving forward as fast as you want.
- Unsure which ideas you should pursue, accept or reject.
- Things are working, but feel you are working too much or it is not as easy as it could be.
- You have been doing it all by yourself and are not sure who you need.
- You achieve your goals; you are not sure if the goals you have set are the right ones.
- How to take the great ideas from your head to share with the rest of your team.
- Lacking a trusted resource to go to with questions
- Been in business for at least 2 years
- Making at least 6 figures
… the MORE Strategic Roadmap is for you
Sign Up now for the MORE Strategic Roadmap
How Does The MORE Strategic Roadmap Process Work?
There are 3 easy steps: Input + Roadmap + Measure.
Step 1 - Input
- You, as the owner, share your wants and dreams.
- The business shares the assets.
- The leadership team provides input for the future goals in an interactive exercise.
Step 2 - Roadmap
- We do the heavy lifting and create the 12 month roadmap based on all the inputs from you, your organization and your team.
- You understand the recommendations and why and how this will help your business.
- You get the high-level steps to provide clarity on what to work on for the upcoming year.
Step 3 - Measure
- The roadmap will drive your business activities to reach your goals.
- We measure against periodically it to ensure progress.
- You have monthly calls to check in on progress, make tweaks, ask for clarification, have trusted advisor to talk to.
What Areas Do You Cover In The MORE Strategic Roadmap?
- The MORE Strategic Roadmap will break down the core areas into a year timeline.
- MORE is an acronym that stands for Marketing, Operations, Revenue and Efficiency.
- We will cover these core four (4) areas because this is where we have found that most business owners and entrepreneurs have the most issues.
- We broke the timeline down into months and quarter so that activities are easy to see.